Our Values
At the foundation of John Wilkinson Primary School and Nursery lie six values, which are the essence of our teaching and learning. These are embedded within the curriculum that we teach and we believe that every child will leave our school with the following attributes:
Our Vision
We believe that when children feel healthy, happy and safe, they will be ready to learn. We work hard to ensure all children feel settled and happy at our school, and build positive relationships with all adults. We strive to develop children to have creative, enquiring minds and to be critical thinkers who can communicate eloquently and confidently. We will support children’s aspirations through purposeful, engaging and challenging learning experiences. We equip our children with knowledge and skills but most importantly with the curiosity to question, problem-solve, create and improve. We wish to ignite a desire to know more and remember more. We aim to awaken a spirit of curiosity and a passion for learning. We aspire for our children to be knowledgeable about their world, compassionate of all living things, embrace diversity and build resilience in securing a positive, sustainable future for us all.
Our Approach
John Wilkinson Primary School has a broad, balanced and comprehensive curriculum that builds children's knowledge, skills and understanding so that, as they progress through each year group, they learn more, understand more and remember more. We enrich children's learning with engaging visits and visitors, memorable experiences and opportunities to engage in learning outside the classroom.
All children participate in regular outdoor learning opportunities, utilising our extensive Forest School grounds and garden allotment. Children plant, grow and harvest produce across the year, learning about its provenance, as well as raising their awareness of sustainability and the local and global environment.